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fear appeals造句

"fear appeals"是什么意思  
  • "Fear appeals are a strong motivator for voter participation, " she said.
  • Fear appeals are commonly used in social marketing campaigns.
  • Witte has developed theories and written many notable papers on fear appeals in health risk messages.
  • Fear as motivator, fear as inhibitor : Using EPPM to explain fear appeal successes and failures.
  • Cognitive and physiological processes in fear appeals and attitude change : A revised theory of protection motivation.
  • A concern has also been raised that fear appeals serve to contribute to the widening of health disparities.
  • Defensive avoidance is an example of a fear control response that leads to the failure of fear appeals.
  • Some have even argued that cognitive processes in the context of fear appeals are more important than emotional ones.
  • The use of other persuative techniques such as behavioral trainings might counteract against the efficacy of fear appeal in isolation.
  • Not unlike fear appeals, the literature suggests that guilt can enhance attainment of persuasive goals if evoked at moderate levels.
  • It's difficult to see fear appeals in a sentence. 用fear appeals造句挺难的
  • Indeed, the strength of the fear appeal is believed to be positively correlated with the perceived severity of the threat.
  • Single-and multi-motive processing of a fear appeal : Encouraging influenza vaccinations . ( co-authored with J . W . Anderson ).
  • Yet such fear appeals continue despite mixed reviews from experts who doubt that they can change behavior in the long term.
  • An example of a fear appeal of a message that emphasizes perceived severity would be the quote " AIDS leads to death ".
  • A number of ethical concerns regarding the use of fear appeals have been raised, leading to widespread debate regarding the acceptability of their use.
  • Perceived susceptibility, sometimes referred to as perceived vulnerability, is thought to be key in motivating an individual to act in response to a fear appeal.
  • Fear appeals are " nonmonotonic ", meaning that the level of persuasion does not increase in proportion to the amount of fear that is used.
  • For example, a dental hygiene presentation to a group of high school students reported greater change in attitudes using mild rather than strong fear appeals.
  • A fear appeal is a persuasive message that attempts to arouse fear in order to divert behavior through the threat of impending danger or harm.
  • At the same time, " unintentionally induced anger in response to supposed guilt and fear appeals has been shown to correlate negatively with attitudes ."
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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